Friday, 13 April 2012

Tethering and Portable Wi-Fi Hotspots Android 2.3

The age of tablets and ipads has dawned and there is no denying that the cake can be only as tasty as the dough  in it. Meaning with great features comes a bulkier price tag.of course there are a few like samsung galaxy tab and htc flyer which come with the sim card functionality.

Be it the new ipad or the asus transform boasting the best hardware out there or the low end or the budget tablets like funbook akash, ubi slate most of them lack the a basic functionality they come with no option to use a simcard hence no calls we can live with that but you are also deprived of the 3G and 2G GPRS data connection, ouch ! Since android is all about apps and internet gaming and social networking. And u r left with a new age GAMEBOY .

well fear not as most of these come with WIFI but its reach is just so much once u r out of ur office or your home your back to square one .

Enter tethering

Tethering is one of the easiest ways you can share your data connection or 3G connection via your android phone to your tablet

Here is how

Depending on your model of Android device and your carrier, you may be able to share your Android device's mobile data connection with a single computer via a USB cable or via Bluetooth: this is called tethering . Or share your Android mobile's data connection with up to five devices at once,by turning your phone into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot.

Share your tablet’s data connection as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot

1. Open the Settings application. 2. Touch Wireless & networks > Tethering & portable hotspot. 3. Check Portable Wi-Fi hotspot.

After a moment, the mobile  starts broadcasting its Wi-Fi network name (SSID), so you can connect to it with up to 8 computers or other devices. An ongoing notification is added to the System bar, to the left of the time.

When Portable Wi-Fi hotspot is checked, you can change its network name or secure it. by configuring the hot spot.

Uncheck Portable Wi-Fi hotspot to stop sharing your data connection via Wi-Fi.

Configuring your hot spot.
You can change the name of your mobile's Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and secure its Wi-Fi network.

1. Open the Settings application. 2. Touch Wireless & networks > Tethering & portable hotspot. 3. Ensure Portable Wi-Fi hotspot is checked. 4. Touch Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings. 5. Touch Configure Wi-Fi hotspot.

The Configure Wi-Fi hotspot dialog opens.

You can change thenetwork SSID (name) that other computers see when scanning for Wi-Fi networks.

You can also touch the Security menu to configure the network with Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) security, with a preshared key (PSK).

If you touch the WPA2 PSK security option, a password field is added to theConfigureWi-Fi hotspot dialog. If you enter a password, you will need to enter that password when you connect to the tablet’s hotspot with a computer /tablet or other device.
6. Touch Save.

If you want to tether your Android device via USB to a computer running Windows XP, you must prepare your computer as described.

USB Tethering with Windows XP

Windows XP contains the drivers you need to take advantage of USB tethering, but you must install a configurationfile before connectingyour phone to your Windows XP computer, to instruct Windows XP how to configure itself to use those drivers.

1. Download the following configuration file (tetherxp.inf) to your Windows XP computer. or right click on the link and choose "Save As".
2. Use the USB cable that came with your phone to connect your phone to your computer.
3. On the Android phone, press Home, press Menu, and touch Settings to open the Settings application.
 4. Touch Wireless & networks > Tethering & portable hotspot.
5. Check USB tethering.
 6. When Windows XP’s New Hardware Wizard opens, select No, not at this time and click Next.
7. Select Install from a list or specific location and click Next.
8. Click Browse to browse to the directory where you installed the configuration file you downloaded in Step 1 and click Next. Windows XP uses the configuration file to configure itself to support USB tethering with the Android phone. 9. When Windows XP finishes installing the software for Android USB Ethernet/RNDIS, click Finish.

You can now use the new Windows XP local area network connection provided by your phone via USB tethering. For more information about configuring networks in Windows XP, see the documentation that comes with Windows.

further details  on, 

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  1. In step one, when I attempt to check "USB tethering", it will not check, and a message is displayed:

    A tethering/Mobile hotspot plan is required to use this service. Please go to ATT....."

    The phone I am using is formerly an ATT contract phone, now unlocked. It is an android, just updated to 2.3.6 OS. I don't wish to purchase something which I suspecty is available free via some app(s). Any advice for me? Thanks

    These details are needed, but just in case:
    I am using Straighttalk non-contract plan.
    model Samsung Galaxy Infuse (SGH-I997)

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